Via Galerie123 |
Lately Daniele and I have been playing with hypothetical scenarios of what we would like to do for a honeymoon. We originally thought about spending a few days diving on one of the quieter islands in Thailand, shared with time in Nepal volunteering at a school. We’ve decided that as part of the wedding, we'd ask guests to bring book donations that we can take with us to donate in person. We also played with the idea of riding the Simplon Orient Express since we are both in love with train travel and he introduced me to Agatha Christie novels via her most famous, Murder On The Orient Express, but we are not as interested in the destinations, plus it’s just too expensive to justify. Then there was camping in Mongolia, but I think as much as we love the idea of Mongolia, we have our hearts set on train travel. Trains are amazing.
Now we’re looking at India. At first we looked at some of the luxury train trips, but once again cost was too high, but what was really the deciding factor against it was the fact every stop was occupied with organized tours and we’re just not into that. If we go on the normal trains, we’d be saving so much money and have the opportunity to go at our own pace.
There is still a part of me that would love to go on the Orient Express since it’s one of the first topics we bonded over during our courtship, even if the destinations are not top of our list, to experience the old fashion glamour and sensibilities of trains in the past would be amazing…we especially looked forward to getting dressed up for dinner in the dining car and having an cocktail in the lounge car. Oh, but it is fun to dream.
Trains really are beautiful. They are by far the best way to see a country, plus for some reason service is just some of the nicest. Really, I get giddy just thinking about it. I love the Chanel No 5 video with Audrey Tatou, I know it's romanticized but even if my trips have never included strangers sniffing my neck(thankfully), train travel still more or less keeps some of that old world charm...Also, notice the Leica camera, I’d love to try my hand at using a rangefinder camera.