After almost a year of growing out my hair I figured it was time to get some layers to give it more movement. I've had the pleasure and displeasure of having very thick hair all my life, and this causes my hair to be weighed down whenever my hair is left to grow wild. I've been pushing myself to see how long I can grow my hair out, but alas long hair is not in my immediate future. I decided to try a salon I used to go to with good results, but this time around I was given a mullet. With my thick Asian hair I am limited regarding where I can go to get a hair cut, for most western salons they leave my hair too thick, most Asian salons are hit or miss, the downside usually comes in the form of over thinning my hair. Unfortunately for me asking to keep the length and add layers equaled an Asian mullet similar to the below:
I went back the next day and my stylist wasn't there, I was told to go back the next day. I'm impatient. I've gotten a lot better over the years, but I think I speak for most women when I say patience doesn't exist when it comes to wanting to fix a bad hair cut. So I decided in the spirit of DIY I'd see if there were tutorials online about cutting my own hair. Low and behold there are endless videos for every kind of method and hairstyle all a click away. Feeling brave I decided to go for it and cut the mullet into a bob.
Not bad for my first time cutting hair. Looking at the photo I could probably thin out the weight line and add more of an angle in the back to give my hair even more movement, but I spent a good amount of time today thinning out my hair, which gave my ultra thick hair so much more swing to it. I didn't have a lot to work with considering the shorter layers already existed from the mullet, but I'm overall happy with my first attempt.